Seljalandsfoss waterfall (Iceland)

Seljalandsfoss waterfall (Iceland)

Image number: PS8_2106

The waterfall Seljalandsfoss in the last golden light. One of the most famous waterfalls in Iceland. Shooted behind the waterfall at sunset. The sun´s rays shine through the waterfall.

Keywords: Iceland, KRAJINA, Seljalandsfoss, amazing, awesome, background, beam, beautiful, cascade, clouds, colorful, confluence, current, dramatic, dusk, exposure, falling, famous, fantastic, flow, glow, gorgeous, iceland landscape, iconic, incredible, interesting, landscape, last light, long, long exposure, magic, magnificent, majestic, natural, nature, nightfall, perfect, picturesque, river, running, shine, stream, sun, sunset, tourism, travel, unbelievable, vivid, water, waterfall, wonderful

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