lenochod krátkokrký (Choloepus hoffmanni) Hoffmann´s two-toed sloth

lenochod krátkokrký (Choloepus hoffmanni) Hoffmann´s two-toed sloth

Image number: _D853296-Edit

Hoffmann´s two-toed sloth, Choloepus hoffmanni The mammal climbs on the branches in the tree in the dark forest America Costa Rica Wildlife scene from America nature. with its little baby

Keywords: woods, wood, wetness, wet, tusk, trunk, trees, tree, tongue, teeth, talon, tail, stump, spike, snout, sloth, shoetree, rain, paw, nose, needles, mist, mane, mammal, leaves, jungle, hoof, head, haze, hair, fur, forest, fog, face, eyes, eye, ears, dunderhead, costa rica, claw, chuckle-head, breast, branches, belly, back, antlers, animal, america, Hoffmanns two-toed sloth, Choloepus hoffmanni

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