jestřáb lesní sibiřský (Accipiter gentilis buteoides) Northern goshawk Siberian

jestřáb lesní sibiřský (Accipiter gentilis buteoides) Northern goshawk Siberian

Referenční číslo: _D851332-Edit

The Northern goshawk, Accipiter gentilis buteoides, Siberian goshawk The bird is perched on the branch in beautiful colorful autumn environment Asia Russia interesting colorful image yellow larch

Klíčová slova: wings, wing, talon, tail, plume, plumage, ornithology, head, feathers, feather, face, eyes, eye, claw, breast, birdwatching, birds, bird, bill, belly, beak, back, aviary, avian, violent, viciously, unexpected, supricing, sudden, silent, raptor, quick, prey, predator, powerful, nose diving, no mercy, merciless, fast, diving, desperately, cruel, blood-thirsty, bird of prey, attack, Siberian goshawk, Accipiter gentilis buteoides, Northern goshawk

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